Happiness, they say, is ephemeral. It can vanish in a fleeting moment. So it is best to savor it when you have it. Happiness is also a state of mind, and people spend their lives trying achieve it. Siddhartha, that ancient Indian prince, left home and his throne in search of Nirvana (and then returned as the Gautam Buddha). I guess he was also looking for happiness!
I have noticed a queer trait among human beings. They keep asking you if you are happy. And it is never enough to say yes. Most people want to visit gurus, read up on some heavy philosophy they don’t understand, and what’s more, they want to urge others to do the same.
The Happiness Project or ‘100 days of happiness’ seems to be a popular blogging theme in recent days. And today is also the Coca Cola International Day of Happiness. What better time to sit down and list the things that make me happy?
Life, actually, is much simpler, and it is time we realized it.
As Julie Andrews sings in the Sound of Music –
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things
Here are five of my favorite things, and they make me happy 365 days a year!
1. Books, books and more books
I think I was weaned on books. Perhaps the oldest book I remember reading is Little Red Riding Hood. I continue reading fiction in all forms. My day starts with a book and ends with one. I can just get lost in this pseudo world and forget all my worries for a while. Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.
2. That Cup of Tea
Tea is sacred. Tea is a religion. I love all kinds of tea – black, white, red, green. Every kind has to be prepared in a particular way. I need a specific kind of tea for specific occasions, like my ginger masala chai in the morning, green tea in mid mornings, iced tea on hot days and chamomile when I am stressed. A whiff of this brew soothes my senses and a warm sip sets me straight and puts things in perspective.
3. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
I have always loved tomato soup. There is a certain way my granny used to make it. And inspite of eating tomato soup at different places around the world, I still love my grandma’s version the most. We didn’t have grilled cheese while growing up, but I have totally come to love it. Give me a gooey grilled cheese and I will give you as wide a smile as Jane The Virgin. Well, maybe not that wide :).
4. The Rising Sun
The rising sun holds me spellbound. I have lived in the East for a large part of my life. And I just love waking up to that big ball of orange. A brand new day lies ahead of you and life has possibilities.
5. Spending time with Family
As clichéd as this sounds, family means a lot to me. Especially since I have spent half of my life away from them. Being able to share special occasions like holidays and festivals together with family is a big bonus, something I have always longed for.
These are the things that make me happy, and so do diamonds and pearls. I am human after all!
Rising sun and spending time with family is my favorite too 🙂
Read mine
Hey Deepika….welcome 🙂
Thanks for visiting us.
I feel pity for ourselves that we have to think about how can we remain happy in our lives…but then the same thinking can lead us to happiness also.
Good to read through…I have my own list, primarily of being with nature!